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Mariadb Main-Main Replication with Galera Cluster Tutorial on Debian and Ubuntu

0. Specs

0.1. Definitions

3 servers will be installed and configured as Mariadb clusters.

All the changes in one server will be updated to others momentarily. At least 3 nodes are advised for Mariadb cluster, there is no upper limit.

At least 2 of the cluster nodes must be online always. If you fall to 1 you may have problems. If you shut down all of the nodes, your cluster stops and you need some work to (hopefully) start again. !!!

0.2. My Configuration

srv1 -> Debian 12/11 Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 LTS Server
srv2 -> Debian 12/11 Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 LTS Server
srv3 -> Debian 12/11 Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 LTS Server

All the nodes must have the same version of Mariadb. That is, they must have the same Linux distros.

0.3. Resources

https://www.symmcom.com/docs/how-tos/databases/how-to-recover-mariadb-galera-cluster-after-partial-or-full-crash https://mariadb.com/docs/multi-node/galera-cluster/understand-mariadb-galera-cluster/ https://mariadb.com/kb/en/galera-cluster-recovery/

1. Mariadb Installations (Run on all servers)

1.1. Install Mariadb and Galera Cluster on all servers

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mariadb-server galera-4 --yes

1.2. Secure Mariadb Installations

The following command makes some fine tunes regarding Mariadb security.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

You will be asked some questions.

Enter current password for root (enter for none):

There is no password yet, so press enter.

The next 2 questions

Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n]
Change the root password? [Y/n]

are about securing root account. In Ubuntu and Debian root account is already protected, so you can answer n.

For the next questions you can select default answers.

2. Mariadb Configurations (Run on all servers)

2.1. Temporarily Stop Mariadb

sudo systemctl stop mariadb

2.2. Bind Address Enablement

Mariadb daemon must listen to the network for the cluster

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

Change the following line (Around line 27-30)


bind-address =


bind-address =

2.3. Cluster Options

Create a new conf file and fill it

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/99-cluster.cnf

Fill as below, remember to use your ip addresses

# Mariadb only supports this lock mode
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2
# Name of the cluster, you can change it
wsrep_cluster_name    = "x386_cluster"
# List of cluster nodes
wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://,,"
# Galera plugin path
wsrep_provider = /usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so
# If a node does not respond in 10 second, it is assumed to be offline
wsrep_provider_options = "evs.suspect_timeout=PT10S"
# Replication for this node is on
wsrep_on = on 
# Galera cluster supports InnoDB
default_storage_engine = InnoDB 
# Use InnoDB double write buffer
innodb_doublewrite = 1 
# Use ROW format for bin logs
binlog_format = ROW

3. Start Cluster

3.1. Start Cluster on One of the Nodes

!!! You should run this only on one of the servers !!!

sudo galera_new_cluster

This command should also start mariadb on this node, check it:

systemctl status mariadb

3.2. Start Mariadb on Other Nodes too

Run on the other servers:

sudo systemctl start mariadb

Our Cluster is established

4. Test Mariadb Cluster

We will run commands on the nodes and see the changes on other nodes

4.1. Create a Database on the First Node

!!! Run on the first server !!!

sudo mariadb

Run on mariadb shell


4.2. Create a Table on the Database on the Second Node

!!! Run on second server !!!

sudo mariadb

Run on mariadb shell

USE Test;
CREATE TABLE People (Name char(15), Age int(3));

4.3. Add Records to the Table on the Third Node

!!! Run on third server !!!

sudo mariadb

Run on mariadb shell

USE Test;
INSERT INTO People VALUES ('Exforge', '52');
INSERT INTO People VALUES ('Kedi', '8');

4.4. Check First and Second Node for the Records

!!! Run on first and second server !!!

sudo mariadb

Run on mariadb shell

USE Test;

5. Maintenance

5.1. Healthcheck

The following commands runs on Mariadb shell and show information about Mariadb cluster.

Show the running nodes:

show status like 'wsrep_incoming_addresses' ;

Show the number of running nodes:

show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size';

Show the UUID of the cluster

show status like 'wsrep_cluster_state_uuid';

Show the status of the current node

show status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment';

5.2. Adding a Node to Mariadb Cluster

Install Mariadb and Galera Cluster to the new node, that is follow the steps at 1. and 2. At step 2.3. at the line starting with wsrep_cluster_address, add the IP of the new server too. Then start mariadb:

sudo systemctl start mariadb

The new node is going to start replicating data, it may take some time depending on the volume of the DBs. You can run following command and see the status of the replication:

show status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment';

When you see the value as "Synced", you can understand that the new node is replicated.

You added the ip of the new node to the configuration of the new node only.

Before it is too late, You need to add it to the other cluster member configurations too. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to resolve if any cluster error occurs in the future.

Run on other cluster members one by one:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/99-cluster.cnf

At the line starting with wsrep_cluster_address, add the IP of the new server.

Restart Mariadb after changing the configuration

sudo systemctl restart mariadb

5.3. Removing a Node from Mariadb Cluster

If you want to remove a node temporarily, it wouldn't be a problem. If you don't change any configurations on the cluster servers, it would join back to the cluster.

If you want to remove a node permanently, a good way would be uninstall mariadb or permanently poweroff the computer. And then, remove its ip from other servers' /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/99-cluster.cnf file and restart mariadb at the other servers one by one.

5.4. Shutting Down the Cluster

It is not advised to keep less than 2 nodes online. But if you really need to shutdown all the cluster (e.g. to physically move to somewhere else), or a total power failure occurs; you may try to shutdown servers one at a time and when they are ready to start, first you have to turn on the last shutdown node.

If the cluster doesn't go online, refer to 6.

6. Recovery

Mariadb Galera Cluster would run fine for a long time, as long as you keep at least 2 nodes alive and running. If you have 3 nodes, you can proceed on maintenance tasks (backup, upgrade etc) one at a time.

But problems are for humans (and computers). There might come one day and cluster doesn't start. And when cluster doesn't start, Mariadb doesn't start either.

In that case, we need to restart the cluster, but we need to find the safe node to start the cluster.

6.1. Finding the Safe Node - 1st Try

run the following command on every node:

sudo cat /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat

It's output will be something like below:

# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1
uuid:    2d878884-9ae6-11eb-955f-fa6fa258f122
seqno:   -1
safe_to_bootstrap: 0


# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1
uuid: 886dd8da-3d07-11e8-a109-8a3c80cebab4
seqno: 31929
safe_to_bootstrap: 1

If output in any node contains "safe_to_bootstrap: 1" or a positive value of "seqno: ", that means we can restart the cluster at that node. We have found the safe node, proceed to 6.3.

Otherwise, we keep trying to find the safe node.

6.2. Finding the Safe Node - 2nd Try

!!! Run on all nodes !!!

sudo galera_recovery

Output will be something like as below:

WSREP: Recovered position 2d878884-9ae6-11eb-955f-fa6fa258f122:8

The node with the highest value after ":" will be our candidate to restart the cluster. We have found the safe node. If more than 1 node has the same highest value, just choose one.

We need to set safe node to restart the cluster:

!!! Run on the Safe Node !!!

sudo nano /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat

Change the line starting with "safe_to_bootstrap" as below:

safe_to_bootstrap: 1

6.3. Restart the Galera Cluster

Run the following command at the safe node:

sudo galera_new_cluster

After a while (1-2minutes) Run following command at the other nodes:

sudo systemctl restart mariadb

The cluster is working again, we are done.

It would be wise to make a healthcheck as in 5.1. and see cluster is working.

If this step doesn't work either. We have just one more thing to do. Go to the next step.

6.4. Last Chance

!! On the safe node !!

Disable mariadb and reboot

sudo systemctl disable mariadb
sudo reboot

Edit cluster config at the safe node:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/99-cluster.cnf

Change the wsrep_cluster_address parameter to contain only the safe node. That is, if the 3rd node is the safe node as belowÇ

wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://"

Enable mariadb

sudo systemctl enable mariadb

Start Galera Cluster

sudo galera_new_cluster

!! On the other nodes !!

Restart mariadb

sudo systemctl restart mariadb

If they cannot restart, it is because it cannot be stopped. Do the disable, reboot, enable trick on them too

sudo systemctl disable mariadb
sudo reboot

After reboot enable and start mariadb

sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb

If they start, most probably your cluster is working again Otherwise, you need a professional support.

!! On the safe node !!

Revert the first node to the original configuration

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/99-cluster.cnf

Change the wsrep_cluster_address parameter to original

wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://,,"

Restart mariadb

sudo systemctl restart mariadb