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Simple Active Directory Configuration on Debian and Ubuntu

0. Specs

0.1. Definition

0.2. Configuration

//filesrv/Xmrk01    mrk01 RW
//filesrv/Xmrk02    mrk02 RW
//filesrv/Xmrk03    mrk03 RW
//filesrv/XMrk      Marketing RW
//filesrv/XMrkPub   Marketing RW, All R
//filesrv/Xsls01    sls01 RW
//filesrv/Xsls02    sls02 RW
//filesrv/Xsls03    sls03 RW
//filesrv/XSls      Sales RW
//filesrv/XSlsPub   Sales RW, All R
//filesrv/Xprd01    prd01 RW
//filesrv/Xprd02    prd02 RW
//filesrv/Xprd03    prd03 RW
//filesrv/XPrd      Production RW
//filesrv/XPrdPub   Production RW, All R
//filesrv/Xit01     it01 RW
//filesrv/Xit02     it02 RW
//filesrv/Xit03     it03 RW
//filesrv/Xsupport  support RW
//filesrv/XIT       IT RW
//filesrv/XITPub    IT RW, All R
//filesrv/XSys      SysAdmin RW
//filesrv/XSysPub   SysAdmin RW, All R
//filesrv/XAll      ALL RW

On my tests I used distros uniformly. That is all servers were Debian 11, Debian 12, Ubuntu 20.04, or Ubuntu 22.04. I believe the system would work with nonuniform distros too, but I haven't tested it.

0.3. Phases

0.4. Preliminary Tasks

There are some important matters to consider. Not complying them can cause some problems.

0.4.1. Choosing Domain Name and Realm

Realm is in the domain name format and Domain Name is a single word (actually Netbios Name of your domain).

If your company's internet domain name is example.com, then you can choose your Realm and Domain Name as following:

Domain Name : EXAMPLE

Whenever you use them, they must be UPPERCASE. Don't ask me why, that is something about Micros*ft's bad design.

0.4.2. IP Address and Host Name for Domain Controllers and Domain Members

Domain Controllers and Domain Members should have static IP addresses.

There might be some ways to use DHCP but I don't know how and actually I don't see any reason to use DHCP for Domain Controllers.

Hostname must be in the format of name.example.com (lowercase this time) and due to an incompatability with Samba and Debian/Ubuntu (Actually all Debian based Linuxes) you have to erase the line starting with (not from your /etc/hosts file and add the IP and hostname (short and long formats) in your /etc/hosts file as in below.       localhost   srv1.x386.org srv1

0.4.3. Mixed Environment

You should have at least 2 DCs (Domain Controllers), you can use 1 Windws and 1 Linux to benefit from Microsft's AD Management programs.

But actually it is not necessary.

I'd advice installing all DCs as Linux and use any Windxws workstation to manage AD. You can install RSAT Management Tools to a Windxws workstation and use AD Manager programs (including DNS and WINS server) from there.

0.4.4. Default Values

Remember to replace all the occurences of X386, x386, X386.ORG, and x386.org with yours, regarding the cases.

1. Add First Domain Controller

1.0. Specs

Domain Name:  X386
Realm:        X386.ORG  
Hostname:     srv1.x386.org

1.1. Set Hostname

Set hostname as fully qualified (if you haven't done it before)

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname srv1.x386.org

Update /etc/hosts file

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Change the start of the file as below:       localhost   srv1.x386.org srv1 

1.2. Install required packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install samba krb5-config winbind smbclient 

Answers to parameter questions:

1.2. Run Samba Config

Backup original samba configuration

sudo mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.original 

Run provision tool to create the Domain

sudo samba-tool domain provision

Answers to parameter questions:

1.3. Copy kerberos config file, stop and disable unnecessary services

sudo cp /var/lib/samba/private/krb5.conf /etc/
sudo systemctl stop smbd nmbd winbind systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl disable smbd nmbd winbind systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl unmask samba-ad-dc 

Debian 12 gives the following error, ignore it:

Failed to stop systemd-resolved.service: Unit systemd-resolved.service not loaded.

1.4. Remove resolv.conf and create a new one

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Fill as below

domain x386.org

1.5. Start DC Services

sudo systemctl start samba-ad-dc
sudo systemctl enable samba-ad-dc 

Check domain level

sudo samba-tool domain level show

Create a domain user named exforge

sudo samba-tool user create exforge

2. Add Additional DC

2.0. Specs

Domain Name:      X386
Realm:            X386.ORG  
Hostname:         srv2.x386.org
Org. DC Hostname: srv1.x386.org
Org. DC IP:

2.1. Set Hostname

Set hostname as fully qualified (if you haven't done it before)

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname srv2.x386.org

Update /etc/hosts file

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Change the start of the file as below:       localhost   srv2.x386.org srv2 

2.2. Install kerberos and edit configuration

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install krb5-user

Pass all the questions with enter

sudo nano /etc/krb5.conf 

Change the beginning of the file as below

        default_realm = X386.ORG
        dns_lookup_realm = false
        dns_lookup_kdc = true

2.3. Stop and disable systemd.resolved

This step is not necessary for Debian 12

sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved 

2.4. Remove resolv.conf and create a new one

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Add following lines

domain x386.org

2.5. Get Kerberos ticket

Domain Admin password will be asked (Entered at 1.2.)

sudo kinit administrator

Check Kerberos ticket

sudo klist

2.6. Add This DC to Existing AD

Add necessary packages

sudo apt -y install samba winbind smbclient 

Rename and remove default samba config, create a new one

sudo mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.org 
sudo samba-tool domain join X386.ORG DC -U "srv1\administrator" \

2.7. Close and disable unnecessary services and enable samba

sudo systemctl stop smbd nmbd winbind
sudo systemctl disable smbd nmbd winbind
sudo systemctl unmask samba-ad-dc
sudo systemctl start samba-ad-dc
sudo systemctl enable samba-ad-dc

2.8. Verify

Verify authentication to localhost

sudo smbclient // -U Administrator -c 'ls'

Verify replication status with AD

sudo samba-tool drs showrepl

Following warning is not important, you can ignore it:
Warning: No NC replicated for Connection!

3. AD User & Computer Management

You can run on any DC

3.1. User Management

3.1.0. See All Commands

sudo samba-tool user --help

3.1.1. Display domain users list.

sudo samba-tool user list

Display DN info instead of user names

sudo samba-tool user list --full-dn

3.1.2. Add a domain user.

sudo samba-tool user create ubuntu

Force to change password at next login

sudo samba-tool user create ubuntu2 --must-change-at-next-login

3.1.3. Delete a domain user.

sudo samba-tool user delete ubuntu2

3.1.4. Reset password of a user.

sudo samba-tool user setpassword ubuntu

3.1.5. Set expiration for a user.

User will be disabled at expiration

sudo samba-tool user setexpiry ubuntu --days=7

Remove expiration

sudo samba-tool user setexpiry --noexpiry ubuntu

3.1.6. Disable/Enable user account.

sudo samba-tool user disable ubuntu
sudo samba-tool user enable ubuntu

3.1.7. Show information about a user

sudo samba-tool user show ubuntu

3.1.8. Edit details of a user

sudo samba-tool user edit ubuntu

You can edit the details in an editor, be careful.

3.2. Group Management

3.2.0. See All Commands

sudo samba-tool group --help

3.2.1. Display domain group list.

sudo samba-tool group list

3.2.2. Display members in a group.

sudo samba-tool group listmembers "Domain Users"

3.2.3. Add a domain group.

sudo samba-tool group add TestUsers

3.2.4. Delete a domain group.

sudo samba-tool group delete TestUsers

3.2.5. Add/remove a member from a domain group.

sudo samba-tool group addmembers TestUsers ubuntu
sudo samba-tool group removemembers TestUsers ubuntu

3.2.6. Show information about a group

sudo samba-tool group show TestUsers

3.2.7. Edit details of a group

sudo samba-tool group edit TestUsers

3.3. Computer Management

3.3.0. See All Commands

sudo samba-tool computer --help

3.3.1. List Domain Computers

sudo samba-tool computer list

3.3.2. Show details of a domain computer

sudo samba-tool computer show srv1

3.3.2. Edit details of a domain computer

sudo samba-tool computer edit srv1

3.4. Other Important Management Subcommands

3.4.1. Check local AD database for errors.

sudo samba-tool dbcheck --help

3.4.2. Delegation management.

sudo samba-tool delegation --help

3.4.3. Domain Name Service (DNS) management.

sudo samba-tool dns --help

3.4.4. Domain management

sudo samba-tool domain --help

3.4.5. Directory Replication Services (DRS) management.

sudo samba-tool drs --help

3.4.6. Forest management

sudo samba-tool forest --help

3.4.7. Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) roles management.

sudo samba-tool fsmo --help

3.4.8. Group Policy Object (GPO) management.

sudo samba-tool gpo --help

3.4.9. Organizational Units (OU) management.

sudo samba-tool ou --help

3.4.10. Schema querying and management.

sudo samba-tool schema --help

3.4.11. Sites management.

sudo samba-tool sites --help

3.4.12. Retrieve the time on a server.

sudo samba-tool time --help

4. Create Users and Groups

4.1. Create Users

Create all users with Password1 as the default password. Users are going to have to change their password at their first logon.

sudo samba-tool user add mrk01 Password1 --given-name=Mrk --surname=01 \
sudo samba-tool user add mrk02 Password1 --given-name=Mrk --surname=02 \
sudo samba-tool user add mrk03 Password1 --given-name=Mrk --surname=03 \
sudo samba-tool user add sls01 Password1 --given-name=Sls --surname=01 \
sudo samba-tool user add sls02 Password1 --given-name=Sls --surname=02 \
sudo samba-tool user add sls03 Password1 --given-name=Sls --surname=03 \
sudo samba-tool user add prd01 Password1 --given-name=Prd --surname=01 \
sudo samba-tool user add prd02 Password1 --given-name=Prd --surname=02 \
sudo samba-tool user add prd03 Password1 --given-name=Prd --surname=03 \
sudo samba-tool user add it01 Password1 --given-name=IT --surname=01 \
sudo samba-tool user add it02 Password1 --given-name=IT --surname=02 \
sudo samba-tool user add it03 Password1 --given-name=IT --surname=03 \
sudo samba-tool user add support Password1 --given-name=Support --surname=User \

4.2. Create Groups

sudo samba-tool group add Marketing
sudo samba-tool group add Sales
sudo samba-tool group add Production
sudo samba-tool group add IT
sudo samba-tool group add SysAdmin
sudo samba-tool group add All

4.3. Add Users to the Corresponding Groups

sudo samba-tool group addmembers Marketing mrk01,mrk02,mrk03
sudo samba-tool group addmembers Sales sls01,sls02,sls03
sudo samba-tool group addmembers Production prd01,prd02,prd03
sudo samba-tool group addmembers IT it01,it02,it03,support
sudo samba-tool group addmembers SysAdmin support
sudo samba-tool group addmembers All Marketing,Sales,Production,IT,SysAdmin

5. Install and Configure the File Server

5.1. Set Hostname and DNS Information

Set hostname as fully qualified (if you haven't done it before)

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname filesrv.x386.org

Update /etc/hosts file

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Change the start of the file as below:       localhost   filesrv.x386.org filesrv 

Remove resolv.conf and create a new one

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Add following lines

domain x386.org

5.2. Install necessary packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install winbind libpam-winbind libnss-winbind krb5-config \
   samba-dsdb-modules samba-vfs-modules 

Answers to parameter questions (if asked):

5.3. Configure Winbind

5.3.1. Samba config

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf 

Change/add following lines under [global] stanza

   workgroup = X386
   realm = X386.ORG
   security = ads
   idmap config * : backend = tdb
   idmap config * : range = 3000-7999
   idmap config X386 : backend = rid
   idmap config X386 : range = 10000-999999
   template homedir = /home/%U
   template shell = /bin/bash
   winbind use default domain = true
   winbind offline logon = false

5.3.2. pam config

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session 

Add following line

session optional        pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=077

5.4. Join AD

5.4.1. Add this server to AD

sudo net ads join -U Administrator

Restart winbind

sudo systemctl restart winbind

5.4.2. Show Domain Users

sudo wbinfo -u

5.5. Config File Server

5.5.0. Specs

There will be 24 shares:

/srv/shares/Xmrk01    mrk01 RW
/srv/shares/Xmrk02    mrk02 RW
/srv/shares/Xmrk03    mrk03 RW
/srv/shares/XMrk      Marketing RW
/srv/shares/XMrkPub   Marketing RW, All R
/srv/shares/Xsls01    sls01 RW
/srv/shares/Xsls02    sls02 RW
/srv/shares/Xsls03    sls03 RW
/srv/shares/XSls      Sales RW
/srv/shares/XSlsPub   Sales RW, All R
/srv/shares/Xprd01    prd01 RW
/srv/shares/Xprd02    prd02 RW
/srv/shares/Xprd03    prd03 RW
/srv/shares/XPrd      Production RW
/srv/shares/XPrdPub   Production RW, All R
/srv/shares/Xit01     it01 RW
/srv/shares/Xit02     it02 RW
/srv/shares/Xit03     it03 RW
/srv/shares/Xsupport  support RW
/srv/shares/XIT       IT RW
/srv/shares/XITPub    IT RW, All R
/srv/shares/XSys      SysAdmin RW
/srv/shares/XSysPub   SysAdmin RW, All R
/srv/shares/XAll      ALL RW

Create shared folders:

sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xmrk01
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xmrk02
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xmrk03
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XMrk
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XMrkPub
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xsls01
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xsls02
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xsls03
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XSls
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XSlsPub
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xprd01
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xprd02
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xprd03
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XPrd
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XPrdPub
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xit01
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xit02
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xit03
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/Xsupport
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XIT
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XITPub
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XSys
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XSysPub
sudo mkdir -p /srv/shares/XAll

Set Permissions to full, we are going to set permissions on the shares too

sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/shares 

5.5.1. Install Samba

sudo apt -y install samba

5.5.2. Configure samba for AD file server

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add following lines under [global] stanza

   netbios name = filesrv         
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=16384 SO_SNDBUF=16384         
   idmap uid = 10000-20000         
   winbind enum users = yes         
   winbind gid = 10000-20000         
   os level = 20         
   winbind enum groups = yes         
   password server = *         
   preferred master = no         
   winbind separator = +         
   encrypt passwords = yes         
   dns proxy = no         
   wins server =         
   wins proxy = no  

Add following lines at the end of the file
!!! Remember to change them according to your shares !!!

# Marketing
   comment = Xmrk01
   path = /srv/shares/Xmrk01         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = mrk01
   write list = mrk01
   comment = Xmrk02
   path = /srv/shares/Xmrk02         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = mrk02
   write list = mrk02
   comment = Xmrk03
   path = /srv/shares/Xmrk03         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = mrk03
   write list = mrk03
   comment = XMrk
   path = /srv/shares/XMrk         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = @Marketing
   write list = @Marketing
   comment = XMrkPub         
   path = /srv/shares/XMrkPub         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770
   valid users = @Marketing, @All         
   read list = @All
   write list = @Marketing
# Sales
   comment = Xsls01
   path = /srv/shares/Xsls01         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = sls01
   write list = sls01
   comment = Xsls02
   path = /srv/shares/Xsls02         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = sls02
   write list = sls02
   comment = Xsls03
   path = /srv/shares/Xsls03         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = sls03
   write list = sls03
   comment = XSls
   path = /srv/shares/XSls         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = @Sales
   write list = @Sales
   comment = XSlsPub         
   path = /srv/shares/XSlsPub         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770
   valid users = @Sales, @All         
   read list = @All
   write list = @Sales
# Production
   comment = Xprd01
   path = /srv/shares/Xprd01         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = prd01
   write list = prd01
   comment = Xprd02
   path = /srv/shares/Xprd02         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = prd02
   write list = prd02
   comment = Xprd03
   path = /srv/shares/Xprd03         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = prd03
   write list = prd03
   comment = XPrd
   path = /srv/shares/XPrd         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = @Production
   write list = @Production
   comment = XPrdPub         
   path = /srv/shares/XPrdPub         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770
   valid users = @Production, @All         
   read list = @All
   write list = @Production
# IT
   comment = Xit01
   path = /srv/shares/Xit01         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = it01
   write list = it01
   comment = Xit02
   path = /srv/shares/Xit02         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = it02
   write list = it02
   comment = Xit03
   path = /srv/shares/Xit03         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = it03
   write list = it03
   comment = Xsupport
   path = /srv/shares/Xsupport         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = support
   write list = support
   comment = XIT
   path = /srv/shares/XIT         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = @IT
   write list = @IT
   comment = XITPub         
   path = /srv/shares/XITPub         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770
   valid users = @IT, @All         
   read list = @All
   write list = @IT
# All
   comment = XAll
   path = /srv/shares/XAll         
   browseable = yes         
   read only = no         
   create mask = 770         
   directory mask = 770         
   valid users = @All
   write list = @All

5.5.3. Restart Samba

sudo systemctl restart smbd

6. Add Windows Computers to the Domain

Change Windows computer's DNS setting to first DC and proceed as usual.

AD (including the DNS server on DC) could be managed through windows workstation after installing RSAT management.

You can connect to the file server using \srvf\share1 (share2,3,4) notation from your workstation.